Printable Teacher’s Birthday Cards


Teacher’s Birthday Card Messages

Teachers prepare generations for the future! They are hard-working and dedicated to their students often with little outside appreciation or reward. So, let a teacher know how much you care about their efforts with one of these printable teacher’s birthday cards (and 1 principals card). There are some fantastic messages to add to the card seen below. Just choose the one that will appeal to your teacher or principal the most and if you can’t find what you’re looking for simply use your own creativity to come up with something lovely and inspiring!

1) Teachers are worth their weight in gold. 

2) Here's something to say thanks for all your wonderful lessons.

3) Your class is my favorite part of the day.

4) Teacher, please explain to me why Monday is my favorite day and Friday is my least. 

5) Thanks for making learning fun! 

6) May you continue teachering forever and ever! 

7) Thanks for learning me everything you know! 

8) To a teacher who not only talks but listens!

9) Thanks for taking the extra time to help me understand things. You're a wonderful teacher. 

10) Wishing you a relaxing day far from noisy children. But I know that day will never come! 

11) Thanks for always teaching my ear off! 

12) Happy birthday from your A+ student! Now do you like chocolate, flowers or birthday cake? 

13) You're a professional anesthesiologist when you teach, and an angry alarm clock when you wake me up! 

14) We may have shared only a few chapters together, but I guarantee they are the fondest and most memorable chapters in my book! 

15) During our time at school you have taken care of us, it’s a gift that will last my lifetime. 

16) I know that teaching us may feel like you're in the trenches. Just know that you're a war hero who has the utmost respect from all of us! 

17) When we first met you, you looked young handsome, and ready to take on the world. Now you look like an old geezer full of stress and anguish! Thus is the life of a teacher! 

18) Your lessons will stay in my mind and heart forever! 

19) Thanks for putting up with me for another year sir! 

20) I just want to give you something back for all the hard work you’ve put into the classes!