29 Girlfriend Printable Birthday Cards (free)


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17 Happy Birthday Wishes For Your Girlfriend

So it's your girl’s special day. You've been spending a lot of quality time together. Things have been going real well and you know her birthday is coming up so you want to make her feel special. Send a message from the heart with one of these free printable birthday cards. We have a bunch of sweet and funny cards, sure to enhance the mood! These cards have been proven to stimulate the kissing response in those that receive them! 

1) I wanted to get you the perfect gift for your birthday, but then I remembered you have me! Happy birthday!

2) Roses are red, violets are blue, never forget how much I love you! Happy Birthday!

3) Birthdays come around one day out of the year. I'm lucky enough to have you every day! Happy Birthday!

4) Even though your aging, our love isn't. Happy Birthday!

5) To a girlfriend who is always sweet and sometimes salty! Happy birthday!

6) Happy birthday to the funniest, sweetest, prettiest, and all around best girl I know! Your the best gift anyone could ask for, oh wait it's your birthday! I guess I should get you a gift!

7) Roses are red, sugar is sweet, I love you to death, but you have stinky feet! Happy birthday babe!

8) You age like fine wine. Happy Birthday!

9) When you blow out your candles you won't need to make a wish. Your wish already came true when you found me!

10) Wishing you a happy day and a lifetime of love. Your the best girlfriend in the world and you deserve the best birthday in your lifetime!

11) Everyday is a celebration filled with beautiful moments!

12) You make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world! Thankyou babe!

13) To my one and only, to the best, to my sweetheart forever! You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me!

14) You rock my world and I want the world to know about it!

15) Don’t worry, I didn’t forget the most important day of the year!

16) To an amazing women who I can’t wait to spend more of my life with!

17) You're sweeter than ice-cream and more delicious too! Love you!