9 Cute Printable Birthday Cards for 5 Year Olds (free)


17+ Creative 5th Birthday Card Messages

Want a quality Birthday card to make someone smile! Insert one of these creative 5th birthday card messages into your card by copying the text from this page. The card is free and printable.

1) One! You are amazing. Two! There's no one like you. Three! What will you be? 4. I love you more! 5. It's your BIRTHDAY! Happy Birthday to my favorite five-year-old!

2) Do you know what is cooler than a five-year-old? Not very much! Happy Birthday!

3) Roses are red. Violets are blue. You are five! Happy Birthday to YOU!

4) Who is smart and brave and really super cool? You are! Happy 5th Birthday! We love you!

5) Happy Birthday to one very cool, super rad five-year-old!

6) I cannot believe you are five today! Do you know how cool that is? Happy Birthday to one cool dude! That dude is you!

7) Roses are red. Violets are blue. There is no other princess more precious than you! Happy Birthday, princess!

8) Let get me a high-five from someone that's five! That's what I am talking about, five-year-old! Happy Birthday!

9) Hooray! Hooray! Happy Birthday! Can you believe it? You are five today!

10) Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! That's right! I said it FIVE times because you are FIVE TODAY! How cool it THAT?!

11) Message -

Let’s count together! 
One to two,
Two to three,
Three to four,
Four to FIVE.
Happy 5th birthday!

12) Saying -

We count our fingers,
The points of the star,
The weekdays we spend together,
The toes on our feet,
And the years that have past.

13) Message (fun) -

Laughing around, 
Jumping in the mud, 
and playing pretend. 
Hooray! It’s your fifth birthday.

14) Funny -

Five little candles 
Shimmering on your cake,
How many breaths is it going to take?
Five? Maybe ten!
Oh dear, it seems that one was plenty!

15) Message (nice) -

You’re taller, smarter, braver, stronger 
and more charming than ever. Happy fifth birthday!

16) Message (nice) -

It’s such a joy being with you! Here’s a high five! Happy fifth birthday!

17) Poem -

You’re such a darling young person
Filled with vigor and zest,
And I’m wishing you all the best.
Now that you’re five
And cute as ever,
Here’s a gift
I hope you’ll remember forever.

High five! Happy birthday!